Trustworthy Local Painting Services for You

Residential interior and exterior painting you can depend on for your home.

Welcome to Paradise Painters

A trusted local painting business for all your residential interior and exterior needs, dedicated to enhancing neighborhoods with our quality workmanship and personal touch.

Our Painting Services

Transform your home with our trusted residential interior and exterior painting services.

Interior Painting Solutions

Enhance your living space with our professional interior painting services tailored for you.

Exterior Painting Experts

Revitalize your home's exterior with our quality painting services that last.

Commercial Painting Services

We provide reliable professional painting services that businesses can trust and rely on.

Our Gallery

Explore our trusted residential painting projects in your neighborhood.

Alexander was responsive to inquiries & questions and reasonably priced; took care of all the details (including picking up supplies, protecting cabinets & fixtures, and clean-up); was prompt & communicative throughout the job; and did excellent work

Here's what our customers say